Generative AI Policy Guidance
Guidance adopted on February 16, 2023

Honor Code Implications of Generative AI Tools
The Board on Conduct Affairs (BCA) has been asked to address the Honor Code implications of generative AI tools such as ChatGPT, Bard, DALL-E, and Stable Diffusion. These are novel tools, and both students and instructors have been experimenting with their use in academic settings.
While these tools have applications that foster student learning and understanding, these tools can also be used in ways that bypass key learning objectives.
To give sufficient space for instructors to explore uses of generative AI tools in their courses, and to set clear guidelines to students about what uses are and are not consistent with the Stanford Honor Code, the BCA has set forth the following policy guidance regarding generative AI in the context of coursework:
Absent a clear statement from a course instructor, use of or consultation with generative AI shall be treated analogously to assistance from another person. In particular, using generative AI tools to substantially complete an assignment or exam (e.g. by entering exam or assignment questions) is not permitted. Students should acknowledge the use of generative AI (other than incidental use) and default to disclosing such assistance when in doubt.
Individual course instructors are free to set their own policies regulating the use of generative AI tools in their courses, including allowing or disallowing some or all uses of such tools. Course instructors should set such policies in their course syllabi and clearly communicate such policies to students. Students who are unsure of policies regarding generative AI tools are encouraged to ask their instructors for clarification.
The BCA will continue to monitor developments in these tools and their use in academic settings and may update this guidance. Members of the community are encouraged to contact the BCA to provide input, suggestions, and comments on this policy.
NOTE: As part of the BCA’s guidance on clear communication of a course’s generative AI policy, OCS recommends course instructors provide clear advance notice that they may use detection software to review work submitted for use of generative AI. Other helpful information for faculty and course assistants can be found HERE.

If you are in doubt about whether a generative AI source (or any source) is permitted aid in the context of a particular assignment, talk with the instructor.