Academic Accommodations & the Honor Code
If the Office of Accessible Education in consultation with the relevant department, determines that a student’s academic accommodation is both reasonable and does not constitute a fundamental alteration of a course, the terms of that accommodation shall not be considered an academic procedure that creates a temptation to violate the Honor Code.

Upholding the Tenants of the Honor Code
All students, including those with academic accommodations, are expected to uphold to the tenants of the Honor Code by neither giving nor accepting unpermitted academic aid in any work that serves as a component of grading or evaluation, including assignments, examinations, and research. The Honor Code further provides, "Students and instructors will also cultivate an environment conducive to academic integrity. While instructors alone set academic requirements, the Honor Code is a community undertaking that requires students and instructors to work together to ensure conditions that support academic integrity."

Faculty, instructors, and any other teaching staff who have questions about how the Honor Code applies to a specific academic accommodation are encouraged to consult with the Office of Accessible Education.