Other Stanford Policies
For your convenience, we have posted links to a number of Stanford University policies that are germane to Stanford's Fundamental Standard and Honor Code.

University Expectations for Students
Compliance with University Policies
Policy stating that registration as a student constitutes a commitment by the student to abide by and accept University policies, rules, requirements, and regulations and that the University reserves the right to withhold registration privileges or to cancel the registration of any student: who is not in compliance with its policies, rules, requirements, or regulations; or for reasons pertaining to academic performance, health and wellness, qualification to be a student, behavioral conduct, or the safety of the University community.
The University Code of Conduct
A guide to the ethical, professional and legal standards of the university, with guidance on how to uphold these standards.
Use of Computers and Networks
Computer and Network Usage Policy
Blanket policy about appropriate use of computers and networks; part of the Administrative Guide.
Sexual Harassment, Violence, and Harassment/Discrimination
Policy on Sexual Assault
Stanford’s policy on sexual assault; part of the Administrative Guide.
Sexual Assault and Relationship Abuse Prevention and Support at Stanford
A comprehensive resource about sexual violence and harassment. Includes information about reporting and other options, as well as education and prevention.
Policy on Sexual Harassment and Consensual Sexual or Romantic Relationships
Part of the Administrative Guide.
Title IX
Title IX concerns can be reported to the Title IX Office.
Title VI
Title VI concerns can be reported to the Title VI Office.
Individual Abuse
Controlled Substances and Alcohol Policy
Policies related to controlled substances and alcohol on campus.
Possession of Dangerous Weapons (PDF)
Stanford policy regarding weapons on campus.
Smoke-Free Environment
Policy regarding where smoking is prohibited on campus.
Copyrighted Material and File-Sharing Networks
Computer and Network Usage Policy
Basic copyright policy related to computers and file-sharing.

Additional Links to Important Policies
Freedom of Expression and Academic Freedom
Stanford is committed to freedom of expression, free inquiry, and the open exchange of ideas as fundamental values for the university’s academic mission. This website furnishes interim guidance on the application of freedom of expression principles in different contexts around campus.
Policy about hazing, from the Stanford Bulletin.
Campus Disruptions
Policy regarding what constitutes campus disruptions, from the Stanford Bulletin.