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Spring on campus. Trees flower in the citrus garden of the inner quad. Credit: Linda A. Cicero / Stanford News Service

File a Concern

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Members of the Stanford community may contact the Office of Community Standards to request a consultation about a possible concern. Talking with someone in OCS does not obligate the person to file a concern. The processes as provided in the Student Conduct Charter and the Student Group Accountability Process do not begin unless and until an official written concern is filed.

Please Note

It is OCS’s standard practice not to send out formal notifications to students about new concerns during the week before finals, the week of finals, or during term breaks to ensure that students’ academic work is not unduly impacted by the notification, and that they have access to on campus support resources if needed. 

How to Submit a Concern

Moving Forward With Filing a Concern

The Office of Community Standards is now using online forms for the filing of formal concerns of alleged Honor Code and Fundamental Standard violations. Submission of a form initiates the conduct process. 

Following the entry of basic information on the form, you will upload a letter of concern and any relevant supporting documents. The letter of concern should outline what happened, when and where the incident occurred, who was involved/has direct knowledge of the incident, the student(s) involved, how it came to your attention, and what steps have been taken thus far. If the concern includes information from a person who wants to remain anonymous, please contact the Office of Community Standards at 650.725.2485. Do not enter that person's name on the form or reference information from that person in the letter of concern.

Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policies

Stanford abides by the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin, as well as the provisions of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex. In keeping with the obligations of these statutes, Stanford addresses any claim by community members that they have faced discrimination or harassment based on their sex, race, color, or national origin. Speech, or speech combined with conduct, that may meet the legal standard for harassment based on sex, race, color, or national origin, as well as speech that could indicate discriminatory behavior should be reported to the Title IX Process (with respect to sex) or the Title VI Process (with respect to race, color, or national origin). The previous Protected Identity Harm Reporting (PIHR) process is being eliminated as of Fall 2024, and those who feel they have experienced discrimination or harassment should use these processes instead. 

Should you have any questions about the process or the case, do not hesitate to email or telephone the Office of Community Standards at (650) 725-2485.

Architectural details of the sandstone arcades in the Main Quadrangle of Stanford University.  Credit: Linda A. Cicero / Stanford University News Service