BCA's Interim Honor Code Recommendations
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Based on guidance from the 2019 Judicial Charter Committee (C-10) and with the advice of the ASSU Undergraduate Senate, the ASSU Graduate Student Council, and the Faculty Senate Steering Committee, the Board on Conduct Affairs (BCA) adopts the following guidance to promote community ownership of the Honor Code.

- Every matriculated student who takes classes is required to complete training on the Honor Code upon entrance to Stanford and every year thereafter.
- Early in their Stanford experience, new students should participate in student-led discussions about the Honor Code (e.g., organized with ISO, NSO, NGSO, ResEd, COLLEGE, departments, etc.).
- Departments and schools should work with OCS to train their course instructors and TAs about their responsibilities under the Honor Code.
- Every course instructor should include in their initial course material a statement of the Honor Code and should tell the students, in concrete terms, what the Honor Code means in the course. It is the student's responsibility to ask for clarification, and course instructors are responsible for answering those questions.
- For every exam and major assignment, students should sign or otherwise affirm a statement attesting to their awareness of and commitment to abide by the Honor Code. Course instructors shall have discretion to determine what constitutes a major assignment. The OCS website will maintain examples of such statements.
- Each year, BJA will solicit community feedback and convene a meeting to discuss issues that have arisen under the Honor Code and possible remedies, including proposed bylaw changes.
- The university will periodically convene a committee to undertake an in-depth review of the Honor Code to assess its form and function in the Stanford community. This review should produce a report provided to the OCS and/or BJA, including recommendations as appropriate. Each committee should be convened five years after the conclusion of the previous review.
(Last amended Spring 2022)